Board of Education
The Darlington County School District Board of Education is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of a system of free public schools for all children residing in the school district. The board may make all necessary rules and regulations for the government and conduct of schools consistent with the laws of the state.
The board views its role as falling into four major categories.
The board sets the long-range vision for the school district. Examples include strategic planning, budget planning, other planning procedures such as facilities planning or curriculum audit, inclusion of all community groups, and taking a proactive stance for education.
Basic structure
The board establishes the basic structure for governance and operation of the district in order to fulfill its vision. Examples include personnel, quality of staffing and staffing patterns, budget development, curriculum and instruction, appropriate environment such as facilities and behaviors, and district operations.
The board ensures accountability for itself and all district operations in order to realize its vision. Examples include budget; legal requirements; student performance; community/parental involvement; community/parental support; dealing with pressure groups; recognizing the difference between private citizen and public official role/responsibility; working together as an effective team; and evaluating all aspects of the district including the board, superintendent, staff, students and community.
The board is an advocate for its vision. Examples include working with elected and appointed officials; cooperation with agencies serving children; being advocates for children; and promoting the value of public education with business, retired persons and other groups.
For more information about how the Board of Education operates, visit the Online School Board Policies under PUBLICATIONS on this Website or attend one of our Board meetings. The public is always welcome to attend.
Every trustee (100%) has completed the orientation requirement provided in S.C. Code of Laws Section 59-19-45.