"In the Darlington County School District (DCSD), we believe it is our job to build successful children through positive, rigorous, and innovative educational experiences. By moving forward as one cohesive group, we are focused on providing the support and opportunities essential to mold our students into successful academics, professionals, and citizens."
The Technology Department provides support each day for more than 10,000 students and over 1600 employees in 23 schools and programs.
Information Technology provides help and support for all those who use any of the district-supported systems or processes. Functions of the department include software and system development, web programming, network engineering, and instructional technology. A comprehensive training program provides district staff with support to use technology resources and tools for productivity and classroom use.
The technology department's primary goal is to support teaching and learning. We offer a wide variety of courses for faculty, staff, and the community that helps create a more powerful teaching and learning environment for our students.
The technology services department is responsible for the identification, implementation, and support of the district's business and support systems. The three main areas of responsibility are our financial processing system (Business Systems/Operations), our student information system (Student Systems) as well as implementation and development of cloud-based platforms (Software Development).
Contact Information:
Darlington County School District
Technology Department -120 E. Smith Avenue - Darlington SC, 29532 - 843-398-5100